Serbian cave hermit gets Covid-19 vaccine, urges others to follow
This man needs a movie. I mean they just toss in details like "he worked as a labourer on the black market" and "Mr Petrovic built a pigeon loft" and somehow this article is about him deciding to snag a vaccine. -C
Open air church service in San Francisco during the 1918 Spanish Influenza pandemic
History doesn't repeat but it sure does rhyme.... -B
Pandemic Villains: Allianz Global Investors
Did Hedge Funds cheat their investors as the world panicked in March as Taibbi claims here? Or actually, as one commentor on this article stated, is the truth more complicated than an easy black/white narrative?
You are not supposed to sell in a sudden market dip, that is made clear to investors. My funds are not only back to where they were, they are higher than they were. They were down something like 35% at one point. I did not sell. I have collected the dividends - the same amount each month, throughout the pandemic.
Betting on the VIX going down just says the market is going to stop panicking, which is exactly what it did, and in rather short order.
This reminds me of something I used to do that isn't totally related but has the same vibes. If I ever had to go do anything online with Comcast, I was usually in a bad mood because they raised prices or opted me into something I didn't want, so I would search for their name even though I knew the website. That would display several Google ads for their website, and I would click all of them in new tabs over and over. I don't know why it made me feel better that they probably had to pay a fraction of a penny for my angry clicks, but it did.
Also, if you're ordering from a local restaurant please just get in your car and go pick it up. Don't use the stupid delivery services. - C
A Twitter thread about the world's first vaccine against smallpox
I find this more than a little gross. - C
Recently there was a kerfuffle over a Danish random controlled trial seeking to evaluate the actual efficacy of mask wearing to prevent carona spread. The study ended up fairly inconclusive (you can read it yourself here) which of course meant everyone decided it indicated exactly what they previously believed.
The linked thread from twitter by a cardiology professor explains why proving whether masks work or not is insanely difficult. Enjoyable and educational! -B
Indycar's Virtual Race Crashes Sparked Real-World Controversy Among Drivers
I don't watch racing, but this article is interesting to me because of the confusion generated by trying to recreate etiquette and behavioral instincts in a digital environment where they don't necessarily have to exist. Suspension of disbelief only works if everyone agrees to suspend it together I guess. - C
Daily update on how many vaccines have been administered. After a year of bad stats this one is an absolute joy. -B
Why COVID-19 infection curves behave so unexpectedly
This reminds me of how poorly I scored on the "science" portion of the ACT. - C
This link was collected by Brian but contains many of the thoughts that have been stomping around in my head lately.
The people who prefer higher caution from their governments are not cowardly totalitarians and the people who prefer to open things up are not sentencing people to death.
Side note: I also use a Calvin & Hobbes drawing as my profile picture on some social media sites. - C
But is it Spaceman Spiff??? -B