All right ya'll. Catch you in the next one. Enjoy the warming weather and get out and play some disc golf. We certainly are.
That's a wrap for this issue. In case you forgot, we can receive replies to this newsletter and read everything you send us, so feel free to hit that button and tell us what you think. Again, stay warm. Spring is almost here!
We hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy start to the new year. Cheers!
If you made it this far without clicking anything, that's a bummer. Scroll back up and try again.
Have a very Merry Christmas and we'll see you again soon.
There's almost no way you're reading this part of the email if you use Gmail, because they for sure clipped this thing. Oh well. See ya next time!
On to the on to the on to the next one
The theme for the next issue simply depends on which one we finish editing first. We have a habit of collecting a massive amount of content and then not publishing it nearly as ambitiously as we plan to, so we hope you enjoy this method of sharing. And, we hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, wherever you may have had it and with whomever you may have spent it.
Ok. Y'all disconnect and zen out. We're doing our best to follow suit. Happy almost Friday!
We hope everyone is enjoying the fall temperatures (Calvin is absolutely not). We'll see you when we see you–hopefully soon.
As always, thanks for reading. See you right back here at the tippy-top o' the inbox as soon as possible.
To quote one of the 20th century's most respected thinkers: "Be excellent to each other." We'll do our best and hope to see you again soon.