You need some shred in your life. Prince at the George Harrison memorial event playing with Tom Petty is here to absolutely dump truck the shred into your ears. The last 3 minutes... dang. I particularly like where he yeets his guitar into space at the end. Prince was the coolest human to ever live. -B
This Indian song, "Mexico", goes hard. Here's the spotify link if that's more your jam -B
This video reminded me that in my global travels I've seen the humble scissor perform so many roles americans have never even had the gall to ideate. Of course in Korea they use it to cut meat at the table. But that is really just the beginning.
One time I was at a factory in China we were thinking about using. They were trying to open their product to show me the motor inside. The product was screwed together with screws (naturally). No screw driver was at hand so the manager was crouched down with his keys trying to unscrew the screws. After a couple minutes of this he barked some orders in Chinese and a few minions went scurrying off, presumably to bring back the tool designed to unscrew screws, aka the screw (un)driver. But nope... back they came with scissors, which the manager then happily (and clumsily) used to unscrew the screws and pop the thing open.
Another time (also in China but different city, different decade, different company, really different everything except the flag outside) we were demoing some industrial strength cable ties. One of the dudes decided to put it around his wrist and yank it tight. But these cable ties were designed to hold cables to oil rigs during typhoons and now this guy had just cut all circulation off from his hand. About 60 seconds later his hand looked like a plumb. The only thing we had at hand were scissors, which were not capable of cutting through the heavy duty nylon. I was convinced dude was about to be slightly shorter in one sleeve until someone found maintenance who came in with wire cutters in the nick of time.
So, brothers and sisters, do not only put thy trust in scissors. -B
TOP GUN Opening (Danger Zone) - YouTube
The new one is fantastic. The old one still holds up as fantastic. My kids are obsessed and they and all their friends have call signs. And the opening of the original TG is one of the best couple of minutes of American art ever created. -B
It took me 34 years to watch the first Top Gun, so I expect to have viewed part two by the year 2056. Hope it holds up. -C
Search Engines are Totally Useless Now
This is about 10 minutes and is a little Gen-Xer yells at clouds to get off their lawn but also I'm pretty sure I've more or less delivered the same diatribe after a Tito's soda or two. Is the internet getting worse? Everything is inside of Facebook and Twitter and Reddit and all of those are accessed through algorithms. The lonely blogger or passionate hobbyist with a web page is dead. Or if it isn't dead you certainly can't find that goodness through the algorithm of the search engine which just kicks you right back into the algorithmic maw of Facebook and Twitter and Reddit. -B
Using a high quality flight simulator called DCS World, which is also a source of some of the viral videos I've seen online recently incorrectly attributed to the war in Ukraine, a squadron of virtual pilots sets out to prove whether or not a single air group of A-10 Warthog tank killers could have stopped the entire German Blitzkrieg into France in 1940 (hi I'm clippy this appears to be a run on sentence would you like help being more concise? Go away clippy this isn't 2002 also that was a run on sentence so no I don't think I'll be accepting your so called little tips today.). -B
How Randall Emmett Found Success in Hollywood
Bruce Willis, amongst other hollywood stars of a certain age, is doing 3-5 terrible low budget movies a year. Here's how terrible low budge movies (think $20M budget and shot in 7-10 days only one day of which includes the Bruce Willis) are excreted and sent directly to foreign DVD markets and/or low end streaming services). -B
Two Vortex Rings Colliding in Slow Motion
That is not what I expected to happen when two smoke rings collide. Very cool. -B
Katmai Bear Cam - Brown Bears at Brooks Falls
Ok... well I guess bears aren't infrastructure. But they should be. And a live bear cam that let's you watch dozens of bears in Alaska catch fish in real time shouldn't have to wait in line behind infrastructure week. -B
The Complete Circle for Bees and Orchids
Nature is amazing... a short clip of a plant's relationship with bees that blew my mind. -B
This is a cool clip, but do yourself a favor and watch the series on Netflix on the biggest 4K compatible screen you can find. And make sure the sound is way up so you can soak up David Attenborough's voiceover in all its glory. -C