Eggs Baked in Hash Browns | Gordon Ramsay
A friend of mine posted a picture of this dish she made for the firefighters who had to work on Thanksgiving day. And since I only cook breakfast I plan to actually try to make this at some point. -Brian
Despite this article being a not-so-slick attempt at content marketing from an otherwise wonderful company (Harry's), it's a good reminder that when the weather turns cold, you should start ordering Manhattan's at the bar. If you don't like Manhattan's, pretending to like them is still classy. – Calvin
Can Mezcal Survive Being Popular?
Speaking of alcohol, here's another beautiful piece by the folks at Roads and Kingdoms. In case you're unfamiliar with mezcal, it's a cousin of tequila. I've been trying different kinds of agave-based liquor lately, and mezcal is one of my favorites so far (a close second to reposado). I'll find a good link to brands you can find locally and share that with all of you at some point. But for now, read this article and go snag a bottle of Herradura Reposado to sip on this weekend. – Calvin
Ninja Co-author Edit: Herradura Reposado is the cat's meow... -Brian
Containing the greatest marketing / legal train wreck of a BS quote I've ever read: “no consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking vitaminwater was a healthy beverage.”
From 2011 but highlights the wisdom of my policy of only drinking calories in liquids that also contain alcohol. -Brian
The 5 Best Appetizers to Bring to This Year's Friendsgiving
Here's this. It's too late, sorry. But for future reference: if you need to bring an appetizer somewhere, go buy some frozen puff pastry. Defrost it, cut it into squares. Put stuff on it (anything with cream cheese). Cook it. Everyone will think you worked really hard when you did not. – Calvin
Calvin cooks amazing and intricate meals that can occur on all the days of the week and include all the different types of time-specific consumption categories. I cook pancakes and egg sandwiches on Saturday morning. So when Calvin posts f00d he has cooked it. When I post f00d I want Calvin to cook it and invite me over. I’ve been obsessed with Indian food recently and found this recipe for Tikka Masala that blows my mind because I had assumed all Indian food was just various combinations of heroin, curry powder and coconut milk. Calvin - cook this for me will you? – Brian
I made this last night and it's the best veggie burger I've tried so far. This recipe makes it seem like quite the process, though, so here are my edits:
I like serving this with sweet potatoes and guacamole. And whaddaya know, I just sent out a link to a really good guacamole recipe just last week.
I think I'll start sharing more recipes in this section.
I'd also like to start a website for recipes that just has recipes. As in, you go to this website to find a recipe. You find it, and lo, there is just the recipe with one mouth-watering photo of the glorious food you're about to make, and that's it. No epic accounts of how you managed to cook this despite being really tired or how you first tried it when you were in the hills of Tuscany or how your kid was being extra hilarious while you were trying to chiffonade the spinach. Also no ads or popups asking for my email. This is the Internet I want to live in.
Sorry. This is a link to a guacamole recipe.
Drink These 25 Bottles and Become a Wine Master
An excellent guide from Steph. I've tried most of the styles on this list, but let's get together and you and I can help me check off the following styles from my list:
I've also been wanting to try Beaujolais; it's super trendy but still, I'm interested.
Life in Chains: Finding Home at Taco Bell
While this article opens with this perfect and hilarious description of Taco Bell's offerings:
Taco Bell tacos are crunchy, crispy, meaty sailboats of spicy chemical flavor.
... it's actually a beautiful little piece from a few years ago about comfort food. It'll get you at the end.