Intro / Preface / Extra Words
Boom! See, I told you I was going to be more consistent and two weeks in a row is basically the definition of consistency.
I hope wherever you are the weather has shifted to Fall. In Memphis we've had a solid week of "Pretend Fall" so I'm hopeful some leaves will actually change color soon.
A new thing for this week is that I'm including a recipe. In case I hadn't mentioned it before, I cook a lot and I use Pinterest to store all my recipes. I thought I'd start sharing some go-tos in this newsletter, so I hope that's interesting to you.
Also my daughter is getting pretty good at laughing now. It's the best.
Random Things
And God Created Millennial Earth
Yeah this is teetering on the edge of sacrilege (it's probably over the edge) but it's really really funny so I had to share. I'm proud and embarrassed that I knew 90% of the acronyms and/or made-up words.
Swiipe News - Product Hunt
I find out about most of the cool new products that I tell all of you about using Product Hunt. And if you want to find out about cool new products too, you should join this site and go upvote things. They have a fun newsletter and Chrome extension as well. And if you sign up using my link, then they'll probably send me a t-shirt with a cat on it.
But anyway, this particular product was designed by a 14-year old Irish kid. It's Tinder but for news articles. I love that the community jumped in and made this kid's day by downloading the app and providing UI/UX feedback. Check it out.
Babalu Guacamole
I think I'll start sharing more recipes in this section.
I'd also like to start a website for recipes that just has recipes. As in, you go to this website to find a recipe. You find it, and lo, there is just the recipe with one mouth-watering photo of the glorious food you're about to make, and that's it. No epic accounts of how you managed to cook this despite being really tired or how you first tried it when you were in the hills of Tuscany or how your kid was being extra hilarious while you were trying to chiffonade the spinach. Also no ads or popups asking for my email. This is the Internet I want to live in.
Sorry. This is a link to a guacamole recipe.
Business Time
You Are the Product
Shoutout to Brian F. for the link. This is a fascinating look at Facebook. Despite how you use Facebook or your opinion of the platform, remember: Facebook is an advertising company. It is run by a genius, it's built in a very smart way, and they've developed an insanely impressive product. And at some point in the recent past it was a fun place to be. But is it a product? Not so much. This article asserts that now, you, Facebook user, you are the product.
Facebook, in fact, is the biggest surveillance-based enterprise in the history of mankind. It knows far, far more about you than the most intrusive government has ever known about its citizens.
Yikes. As my friend Kerry would say, stay nervous folks.
Work / Productivity
It’s Okay to “Forget” What You Read
“What’s the point of reading if I just forget it all anyway?”
Answers to that question after the jump.
Sports (Disc Golf)
Thanks to Gerry for sending me this so that I could CRY QUIETLY IN BED THIS MORNING WHILE MY FAM WAS STILL ASLEEP. GEEZ.
This is Tony Allen's love letter to Memphis and it is wonderful.
I love technology (and science)
The Fermi Paradox
I know you've been eager to use "Fermi Paradox" and "Kardashev Scale" during those water cooler convos, so just read this and you'll be ready to put Fred in his place on Monday.
But for real, this is a cool thought experiment so just read it.