Intro / Preface / Extra Words
We have been working really hard on an issue that is a slight departure from what we normally send out. We thought we'd have it ready last week, but after a thorough review from our editors (thanks Amanda and Katie) we think it still needs work.
Since we don't actually have deadlines, we'll fiddle with it until we deem it worthy of publication. Until that point, we did not want to leave you with nothing to read but silly Facebook rants. We proudly present to you the fifth (by our count) occurrence of a good old-fashioned Mark as Read Trash Fire.
Trash Fire
Not So Vain: C.A.R.L.Y.s Love Crocs, Memes and Social Justice
Allow us to introduce to you the latest acronym for a specific subset of Gen Z.
A stranger than fiction Roman ring mystery thread
"We wants it, we needs it. Must have the precious. They stole it from us. Sneaky little hobbitses. Wicked, tricksy, false!"
Sing, Muse, Of The 'Jeopardy!' Three-Way Tie
Listen to an album about a unique Jeopardy situation retold as if it took place in ancient Greece.
‘We Hear There’s A War’ — The Khevsurs
These mountain bros showed up in chain mail with broad swords ready to fight in WW1.
A whisper, then tingles, then 87 million YouTube views: Meet the star of ASMR
WaPo has gotten pretty intense with their paywall, so sorry if you can't read this one. I'm over here trying to figure out if I've ever experienced this sensation.
Henryk Fantazos on USEUM
Okra smugglers is gonna be my new blues fusion band name. These are paintings, but there are some NSFW ones just FYI.
How To Tie Your Shoes
Site design: A++. Twenty ways to tie your shoes, in case you were bored with your current method.
NASA Astronaut Accused of Committing World's First Crime in Space
Maybe our kids will pursue a career in space law?
The pod delusion: Why I hate all podcasts — even the ones I like
We will recommend you podcasts. You can recommend us podcasts. Let's acknowledge that none of us will probably ever listen to recommended podcasts because we're already listening to too many podcasts.