Prince guitar
You need some shred in your life. Prince at the George Harrison memorial event playing with Tom Petty is here to absolutely dump truck the shred into your ears. The last 3 minutes... dang. I particularly like where he yeets his guitar into space at the end. Prince was the coolest human to ever live. -B
Current Things
The End of the World is Just the Beginning: Mapping the Collapse of Globalization
Previous guest author Wes B. and I are book-clubbing this. Without knowing that, Katie recently caught the author on Rogan and sent it to me with the mind blown emoji. She's hopping in on the book club with us now. This is either silly nonsense or it is the most important book written in the last 5 years. Either way it is incredibly entertaining. -B
Business Time
The Zero-Sum Games You Don’t See
No idea if it is right but this article is a well written and intellectually fascinating analysis of Europe vs Japan vs China vs America in terms of economic development over the last 30-40 years. Basically the US is a GDP-generating machine unequaled by anyone else in the world. I really enjoyed this read. -B
Sports Night – Episode 3 -- Isaac's Trust Monologue
I was not the most independent thinker while growing up. I was impressionable and naïve. I gravitated towards the ideologies and outlooks of either those in positions of authority or those whose lives I was envious of.
I am still very impressionable. But I like to think I am more judicious about whom and what I let influence me.
The one place I keep going back to is the collected work of a TV and movie writer that has molded my world view on both a professional and personal level. I am not proud of that. This particular writer has been fired for doing cocaine and being constantly late on submitting scripts. I do not necessarily agree with how he sees the world or the views of the characters he brings to life. But he delivers moments that have stuck with me for a very long time.
And these are those moments.
1) Sports Night - The Hungry and the Hunted
Ignore the fact that the lead up to this was a conversation around hunting.
“My instincts told me to shut the hell up and do what I was told” is Jeremy’s comment when pushed on why he did something he was uncomfortable with. The response from his boss is something I desperately wish to hear from someone in a leadership position for a company I work for.
The best line from this entire series is in this clip: “If you’re dumb, surround yourself with smart people. If you’re smart, surround yourself with smart people that disagree with you.”
I just can’t overstate how much I agree with that sentiment.
On a side note, if you are not a big hunting fan, I strongly encourage you to watch the episode and the build up to this conversation. If you are a fan of hunting, well, don’t.
-Michael H.
You Fancy, Huh
Things I recommend you buy and use, 2023 edition
This is a great and well thought out list of things the author likes and recommends. One of them is "cats" lol -B
I'd like to spend too much time on this particular article, despite many of the links we've included in this issue being way more impactful / thinky. Join me.
First, cast iron skillet. YES. If you don't have one, somehow, or screwed yours up, they're invincible and can be repaired easily. Are you stubbornly grilling things outside during the cold months? Stop that. Use your cast iron for steaks, burgers, potatoes, veggies, whatever.
Next, Instant Pot. NO. Quit that. Get a Dutch oven and learn how to use it properly and you can have the convenience of a slow cooker with better flavored food. Plus, running your oven at a low heat for the afternoon makes your house warmer and smell incredible.
Next, chef's knife. YES. The real point here is that you need to have at least one incredibly sharp knife. I have a paring knife from Victorinox and have been very happy with it for the price. If you want to look like a total badass in the kitchen, grab a Global Santoku.
I realize I stayed in one lane there, whatever. Have fun! * - C*
The Soap Box

How the Internet Became a Doom Loop
Maybe it is just a post pandemic malaise but I've been thinking a lot and reading a lot about whether or not we are stuck. This could mean in technology. Or societal progress. Or population. Or productivity. -B
This article, which I collected I think the day it was published (our links queue is hilarious and will never be depleted unless it's deleted), was mostly responsible for my withdrawal from most social media. After reading it I stopped using Instagram, Facebook (again), Twitter, and Reddit. I've allowed Twitter back in, which is the worst of them all. BUT when Mr. Tweet took over I really wanted to be there and watch everything happen.
But AnYwAyz my takeaway from this article wasn't only "turn off my socials", it was also to tune into my daily life more intensely. There are plenty of times I feel stuck, but I feel stuck about things I can actually change. Maybe I'm stuck in a loop of cooking mediocre food because I'm stuck on a project at work that is making me too lazy to spend time meal planning. That's very fixable and un-stickable. Try it, you might like it! - C
The Full Stack of Society: Can You Make A Whole Society Wealthier?
The more optimistic corollary to the above? -B
Rear View Mirror
Ancient Apocalypse
Absolute BS and absolutely incredibly entertaining. My 3rd best show of 2022 (andor, slow horses). -B
I've added this to my Netflix list, which is where I keep all the content I'll never get around to consuming. Can't wait! - C