Heavy Rotation

Christmas Jams Playlist
This is my Christmas Jams playlist, which I'm pretty sure I've shared before. This is an, um, eclectic? mix of Christmas music that I'll be continuously improving all month. Word of warning, there's a large section of what I guess you could call "Holiday Rap" which is hilarious but does have some dirty words sprinkled in when you least expect it. – Calvin
You Fancy, Huh
The Most Expensive (Pet) Fish in the World
This is a transcripted podcast which makes it a little awkward [chuckles] to read [sighs heavily] but I think is still worth exploring [shrug] since I was not aware glorified goldfish could cost more than a nice-sized house [raised eyebrows] -Brian
Sports (Disc Golf)
Semi-Rad: The One Thing You Need To Know
B, the one thing YOU need to know is that this category is for basketball yo – C
Untangling the Middle East: A guide to the region's shifting relationships
This site made me have heart eyes emoji feelings. Heavy subject matter, but informative and well-presented. It'll be awhile before I sift through all of this. – Calvin
Further Reading
What is an API? In English, please.
I find that an increasing number of customers are asking me about whether or not our apps have APIs. Sometimes I feel like they were told to ask about this, and other times I feel like they know more about APIs than I do. This is a good way to establish a baseline understanding of what APIs do and why they're awesome. – Calvin
Further Listening
Mark as Read Podcast - Episode 1
In true MaR fashion (that's the cool new abbreviation for our newsletter, btw), we recorded a podcast several weeks ago and I took forever to finish it and upload it.
But hey, better late than never. This episode is a deep-dive into Issue 39, which you'll want to have pulled up on your phone or in a new tab while you listen.
We're not on the normal podcast networks yet, but I'm getting around to that. We'll update you when there's a way to subscribe, ya know, in case you wanna do that.