Intro / Preface / Extra Words
If you're in the content creation world, then once a year you have a golden opportunity to reduce (effort), reuse (content), and recycle (uh...something). We'll call it the year-end listicle. Or clip show.
Welcome to the MaR Clip Show! We started 2018 with Issue 25 and ended at meaning-of-the-universe Issue 42 (please tell me everyone here has read Douglas Adams). Here's the top link from each issue, presented in descending order of popularity.
They say peer pressure is a powerful thing; if you didn't click any of these, just know that all of your friends–and a whole bunch of other random cool people–did click them and they're judging you for not conforming.
Rear View Mirror
It’s official: The VW Bus is back, and it’s electric.
Well, "back" is probably the wrong word. Maybe "someday moving from concept to production", or maybe not?
"Cantina Theme" played by a pencil and a girl with too much time on her hands.
Still just as magical.
Yung Series Sneakers
I believe the secret to success here was a link that didn't work on mobile, so a bunch of people kept clicking over and over again trying to make it work. Well the link STILL doesn't work on mobile, so go find that laptop you've got leaned against your couch. Then go find the charging cable for it. Then find a plug somewhere near you. Or maybe just give up? - Brian
Side note – upon further reflection, it seems odd that a big company like Adidas would neglect to make a mobile-friendly site, so one has to wonder if it's part of the reference. In other words, the early-days Internet sites wouldn't have worked on mobile, because that wasn't a thing, so why would this? - Calvin
Nobilified - Create hand painted oil portraits of yourself as Royalty
My favorite and still what everyone should be getting me for Christmas. - Brian
All the Eggs, in Many Baskets
If you haven't read calvin you need to read calvin now otherwise you'll run into him somewhere and he'll be like hey man (or wo-man) have you read my blog and you'll have to either lie or make him cry. - Brian
Everyone Got The Pulse Massacre Story Completely Wrong
One of my "meaty reads" (eww) made it! - Brian
Why Couples Should Split Expenses by How Much They Make
Sometimes the best articles come from the place I used to buy toiletries from...eau du contente marketing. - Brian
Is this the one I strongly disagree with? I think it is. I'm gonna re-read this today to figure out if I still think it's dumb. - Calvin
Email addresses you don't want to give out over the phone
This could be a fun party game. If you like party games. Oh, maybe you could do another version that's based on WiFi passwords you'd be embarrassed to say aloud. - Calvin
The Inside Story of the Great Silicon Heist
Also a great brisket-book. - B
What is a brisket-book (too lazy to figure it out just write it here) - C
A really horrible continuation of my previous "meaty-read" running gag. Speaking of that running gag how does "sinew scroll" strike you? -B
Our Consumption Model Is Broken. Here’s How To Build A New One.
Maybe we should we set up a Patreon for beer / bourbon money?
Dali Painting Stolen from Riker's
Why does Riker's Island Maximum Security Prison have a Salvador Dali painting anyway?
Are We Thinking About Urban Food Deserts the Wrong Way?
The last winner (first non-loser?) is of course from the spectacularly unloved food special issue. Apparently nobody that receives this newsletter eats food.