Intro / Preface / Extra Words

Odds are good that you are spending many of your waking hours semi-horizontal, scrolling on a device in a languid manner while you wait for the world to go back to normal. We would like to offer you some reading that hopefully makes you happy, or teaches you something new, or is at the very least better than your drunk uncle's latest Facebook rant.


Calvin & Brian

Truvia Crime


Here's a bunch of travel-related links. Since you probably haven't left your house/apartment/van in awhile, let these fuel your fantasies of a day in the not-so-distant future when you can explore again.

First, let's start with some opinionated travel advice for flying.

The Pilot Behind @myhotelcarpet Spills His Travel Tips

The Completely Correct Guide to Getting Off a Plane

Now, let's go somewhere.

There's No Place Like Home - My parents sent this column to me over a year ago, and I've been subscribed to the email newsletter version since. This one is about Mississippi. - Calvin

Life in Norilsk - "Welcome to one of the most isolated cities on Earth. A photo essay by Elena Chernyshova."

Not the end of The World: the return of Dubai's ultimate folly - "Underwater bedrooms, ‘Lohan Island’ and snow all year round – a decade after it was scuppered by the financial crash, the fantasy archipelago of 300 artificial ‘countries’ is back in business. Has anybody learned anything?"

And now, some listicles.

Real Estate Agent Posts 25 Of The Worst Home Design Finds By Her Fellow Agents

The 20 Best Bad Reviews of National Parks on Yelp

14 Floating Home Designs

You Fancy, Huh

Sports (Disc Golf)

I love technology (and science)

Further Reading


A philosophical question: once all of Earth was addicted to some flavor of the most insidious and addictive invention of mankind throughout our sordid history, that dopamine soaked obsessive-compulsive mainlining of outrage and artificiality that is the infinite scroll (be it insta or FB or reddit or snap or TikTok or ....) was it inevitable we would have a crisis that banished 7B people to their houses to spend all their time infinitely scrolling? Correlation and causation etc etc

Maybe we should send this out more often while everyone is social distancing. What do you think? Would you like to have more issues with less links, or should we continue our established cadence of sending this with like thirty links at random? What we're asking is: How bored are you, really?

Calvin & Brian