Heavy Rotation
500 Heaviest Riffs
In our efforts to occasionally feature links that are exactly what they sound like they are, we present this video of a sleepy-looking fellow playing 500 real heavy guitar riffs. So if that's the vibe for you at the moment, click through and let his skillz carry you through the rest of your reading. -C
Truvia Crime
The Confessions of Marcus Hutchins, the Hacker Who Saved the Internet
What a grubby, concerning rabbit hole. Yrugh. -B
This is probably one of the longer articles we've ever shared, but it's worth the read because it (in my opinion) ends on an incredibly redemptive note. The way the writer captures the courtroom scene is especially good. -C
"Alone Together": Singlehanded Sailing, LA to Hawaii and Return
I don't know many of the words used in this video describing the day-to-day tasks associated with sailing (but I'm sure my inlaws do!) but I still greatly enjoyed this video of a man sailing alone. His droll commentary was particularly delightful and made this a relaxing watch with my morning coffee. -C
I would never want to do this but also the idea of a few weeks on a sailboat by yourself has a certain appeal. I really enjoyed this video. Random people posting great content to YT is something I think is dying under streamers and youtubers and YOUTUBEFACERS. And I miss it. -B
You Fancy, Huh
Voyager Station Space Hotel
I wonder if we could write a script to automatically categorize every link from Uncrate into this category...-C
What does this have to cost and how many safe trips do their have to be before you consider doing this? I think for me it would have to be so safe that there is no space suit involved. Like how when we fly on an airplane we don't have to wear a leather jacket and an aviator's hat. -B
I love technology (and science)
Why Apocalyptic Claims About Climate Change Are Wrong
Since we're getting into crypto this week (see section below), it seemed tangentially relevant to include a semi heterodox take on climate change. If you don't know why that's tangentially relevant then go down the rabbit hole that is googling "Tesla and Bitcoin" or maybe we'll find a fun article detailing that drama in a future issue. -C
Further Reading
A shallow dive into crypto
Since crypto has been the subject of headlines for basically the entirety of the past year, and had a minor role in some recent legislative headlines, it seemed fitting to drop y'all some links to various articles about it.
But the real question is: do any of our dear Mark as Read readers have diamond hands for dogecoin?
How a 10-second video clip sold for $6.6 million
NFTs rely on the Ethereum blockchain to...exist. OK, that was the only bit of info missing from this great explainer on how people are investing in NFTs and a high-level overview of why. - C
I'm not an expert but I believe this NFT bubble has popped since this article was penned. Which is good because the NFT market is extremely stupid. The only reason it even exists as far as I can tell is money laundering. Let's say I have $100K in dirty money. I create a thing that has some nebulous, ethereal value to "collectors". I give you my $100K in dirty money under the table. You take a cut and then buy my "collectable item aka NFT" from me for say $90K. I now have $90K in "clean money" and you have $10K and a worthless address on the blockchain. -B
Collectors pay big money for a slice of blockchain basketball action
The NBA continues to impress with its rapid and effective embrace of tech to improve its product. - C
Cryptocurrencies are a Money Laundering Tool and Brute Force Hack on Capital Controls
Basically a hot take in bullet list form; I am a fan of this format but it may infuriate you if you tend to think more words = better reasoning. -C
All Geek To Me
David Lynch's 'Dune:' The Controversial Attempt At Frank Herbert's Masterpiece
Dune is in my top 5 books of all time and I re-read it every few years. There's been 3 or 4 attempts at movies or series, none of them amazing. I'm super excited to see if this new version lives up to the original work. -B
Rear View Mirror
The Knocker-Upper - the Extinct Profession of Waking People up by Knocking
I love this so much. If you gave me a time machine I'm immediately visiting post-industrial revolution pre-electrification England. -B